Tulsa King: Go West, Old Man (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Better than expected
22 December 2022
Ok, its a television show with Sly Stallone in it. So from the start you know reality has no part of the writing or production.

You should also know is that I have NEVER been a fan of anything Mr. Grunt has ever done. Ever.

So to see that he made a TV series made me wonder just how desperate Netflix has become for shows or Sly needing to be in the press again.

With all that said, I was presently surprised in his ability to actually act and see that he can read a script that has more then 3 words in it!

Yes, most of his actions are very stiff (all those years of hanging out in jungles and fighting in a ring can do that to a guy) and his one liners are all delivered with deadpan accuracy, makes this an enjoyable show to watch.

Yes, it has violence in it. It is a Sly Stallone show after all. Yes, some of the scenes make no sense and why Tulsa? Remember, this is a Sly Stallone show so its not suppose to make sense.

Watch it for the pure entertainment value of it!

In the end, I would have to say this is one of the better "fish out of water" shows I have seen in a long time and looking forward to watching more.
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