Why do I give 3/10 after 5 minutes and feel confident that this was not too early to decide.
22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Story: new Camera / Scenes: in the first 5 minutes amazing Actors: professionals and doing a great job Writing: better than some block busters Cuts: on point and you will not see any second not necessary to the plot in the first five minutes. Actually that's a masterpiece (in the genres of gen-y-couple or family entertainment)

So what's the problem why I am giving 3/10? Oh if you see the movie you will see it. At 00:04:30 the main character changes from a cool balanced guy to a dork / bully who ignores the real world. To the disadvantage of his only two kids. Just look at this: (spoiler head) He has to bandage his son's hand because of an Karate injury. He didn't ask about the fight and the injuriy - he just wrap some fabric around the hand. Scene over. Mother sits next to it and also doesn't add up anything or wonders if a dry bandage is enouigh. In real life I am not a docter but I recommend to at least ask how your son is today.

This is 5 min in tnto the movie. This paragraph makes totally clear what I am about to state with my 3/10 star rating here. It's a bad movie. Badly executed and it makes us audience ask and wonder more than we experience satisfaction from the story to be told.

Hate it.
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