Academy award for worst script?
22 December 2022
At the start, we find a biotech company that has created dinosaurs, and a war that is starting. Of course the dinosaurs escape. A phone alert was sent to key people to head to a specified shelter. It is then two years later, and we find about a dozen in the shelter, supplies running low. Some want to go look for food, but one tells them they would be told if it were safe to go outside, but there has been no communication in six months. For a fun low budget film, expect perhaps over the top acting, actors not taking things seriously, and cheesy effects. The CGI isn't all that good, as it doesn't blend well, but I have seen worse. But the actors seem to be following the script and directions well, and that is the real problem. If smart people were to get to the shelter, they sure missed, based on the decisions made. Several decided to go out, and they find a house fully functional, and even a car that runs, plus others. Their weapons are pistols. Meanwhile to get better reception with the party that left, one man goes to the entrance to get in touch with them, leaving all the doors open. A raptor gets in, and kills and chases people in the bunker, who all run, leaving all the doors open behind them. The actors seem to take their roles seriously, and predictably. It just is that the script is so bad, one cannot believe they would possibly do what they are doing. And what scriptwriter would have a military team using only pistols when there are meat eating dinos out there? This could have been a fun cheesy low budget B-movie with a much different script.
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