A Bipolar Director?
21 December 2022
I only got 21 minutes into this movie. If it got better after that, I can't say one way or the other.

Within that 21 minutes, I saw glimpses of kitschy film-noir with the light cast across the eyes. The scenes before had more of a "Porky's" vibe. I have no idea what the director is trying to convey as a mood. The movie is tagged as "comedy" (it isn't) and "cerebral" (not in the first 21 minutes, anyway). Then there is a segment that is animation of a graphic novel. C'mon, what?

The actors are good, but i just could not relate to the characters. There is no "there" there.

Twenty minutes into the movie, they committed the unforgivable sin of movies. No real spoilers here because I am not going to say what the "sin" is, but feel free to stop here.

I have a high tolerance. I like "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction," but I was done with this movie after that.
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