Gabin 's last stand
21 December 2022
Jean Gabin had never played in a priest role - here he is not a really one though - nor a military; but is it really a military in LA GRANDE EVASION or LA BANDERA? Hmmm...This last film for him is directed by Jean Girault, with whom he had never worked before, a specialist comedy maker; the GENDARME series starring Louis De Funès belong to his best stuff. Well, that's not a masterpiece but an agreeable time waster, not so bad, where Gabin is excellent, very comfortable co starring Jean Claude Brialy. The ending twist is astounding, and where Gabin said in his last dialogue on screen: "J'ai dejà donné" - I have already given far enough", that can easily summarize his whole career. A fantastic epitath for a testament role. And at this time, I suppose he did not know it was his last.... I JUST suppose. But who knows?
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