Single's Inferno (2021– )
Tug of war problem, and commentary team defending borderline behavior.
20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 episode three..

If you are going to have a tug of war with three and two are almost straight opposed than the other one will win.

To be fair the angles should be 120 degrees for all. It was much closer to 180, 60,60.

A woman could have won that even.

With all the geniuses on the show I am sure someone should have figured that out.

First season and second season In dating shows it's nice to see how different cultures behave and act.

I am not a fan of meat shows. These Asian dating shows although there is a lot of eyecandy well they offer more insight into their culture.

Even if it is just dropping honorific..

The commentary is also interesting. But it makes me frown sometimes. I have to use season 2 here as well.

In paradise one girl gets bombarded with the same question.

She needs time and the guy keeps asking her over and over. It is even defended by the majority of the panel. One woman completely took her side and I applaud her for that Defending that behavior "he is a doctor so he needs to know" is unacceptable.

Netflix already had real drama with Terrace house. So I feel there should be very clear guidelines and adequate help of what is appropriate behavior and what's not.

These are still real people you put up there. And when lines are close to being crossed be open about it.

For all I care give the person toilet dutie for his behavior so he can reflect on his actions. And it would teach a lesson to all those guys who pressurize girls.

It's hard to criticize when a lot is culture related. BUT because something is embodied in the culture it doesn't always make it right.

IN SHORT commentary team should have said that his behavior borders on unacceptable, and the show could have used it better.

I am not saying he is a bad guy. He might be completely oblivious to what he was doing there. But wouldn't it be nice that he was told so or could reflect on that.

I think it would make for better television as well.
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