The Recruit (2022– )
Don't take it too seriously
19 December 2022
I saw the Neflix teaser and was convinced to give this one a shot. Although I liked the first episode I was upended by the quirky backdrop on which it seems to exist. I couldn't quite figure out if I'm supposed to take it seriously, or if the lackadaisical application of proper context was an homage to the intricate workings of classified government operations. I'm still not sure. I'm a few episodes in and it hasn't maintained the momentum of the first instalment, but I'm not ready to bail just yet.

Its a strange series, I'd expect similar situations to occur if Mr. Bean were to become a CIA employee. To be honest I'm not even sure what this guy is supposed to be doing at all. I mean he's an attorney working in the CIA but seems to doing the job of a coordinator or some sort of logistics admin... who knows, I'm not a CIA aficionado, but he seems to be doing stuff way out of his scope.

The people in the CIA are a Keystone Cops of caricatures that defy logic, and his frivolous response to it all suggests he either has a screw loose, or is perhaps outside the bounds of general normality. He shares an apartment with two roommates who are all supposedly professionals but act more like college freshmen. They have a 'chore list' for Christ sake. This aspect of the story is just ridiculous really.

The story is entertaining if you don't take it too seriously since there are no characters you can relate to without some considerable head scratching. Most of the settings and situations are beyond ridiculous. My bet is they had a good notion for this series and put it in production without taking much notice from advisors or research individuals on how things really work... which is fair enough since if you look at it from that perspective, it works quite well.

My advice is disengage brain before watching and just go with it and you'll be fine. In all fairness I don't think it will last long since the manner in which it is produced is too haphazard to be sustainable. The writing is far too erratic and the show will probably decline in popularity and be shelved by the end of season two... if it makes it that far. The one thing it has going for it for the moment, is it is quite entertaining, so if all your looking for is light, exciting, frivolous entertainment this is perfect.

I've given it 5/10 I'm tempted to give it 6/10 but I'm not sure what the hell I'm watching yet, so reserve an air of scepticism. 7 would be seriously pushing it, but that's not to say I don't get that some people have a different take on it, even with it's failings.
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