18 December 2022
Sorry, but I was in the audience for the 10th Anniversary Concert - The Dream Cast, at the Albert Hall, and nothing compares to that. Yes, I'm biased, but even the 25th Anniv' pailed in comparrison ...

This live show was a bit of a let down, lyrics changed, miscasting, I love 'Les Mis' and really tried to enjoy, but nope. I know my comments will undoubtedly annoy or upset, but there ya go ... As good (?) as Alfie Boe is, he's no Colm Wilkinson who played Valjean in the original cast, same for Michael Ball, he was so good as Marius but as Javert, yikes! ... As for casting Matt Lucas as Thénardier. Why they couldn't have asked Alun Armstrong is beyond me!

Nothing could beat the 10th Anniversary Concert, they wasn't called the 'Dream Cast' for nothing in my humble opinion.
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