God of War: Ascension (2013 Video Game)
18 December 2022
Thoughts: Ahhh! God of War, the prime example of grand button mashing goodness, none will ever compare. The game is easily the second most graphic in the series, it wasn't shocking like GoW 3, but it is more detailed than the other four games. This game is really pointless, I don't care about whats happening or whats gonna happen, since I know how it all ends. This really is a game only die hard fans will thoroughly enjoy, everyone else could care less. But I'm not complaining, the more GoW, the more better.

The Game: The story is made up of present day situations and flashbacks, throughout the game I started to forget which was which. The opening level pits you in a prison built on top of a titan, that was a pretty cool idea, but you don't get to fight the titan, but instead another monster that offers little to no excitement. Lets just say none of the boss's I have played so far are worth any thought. Nothing will ever beat those awe inspiring boss's in GoW 3. Here's a little content advisory: The brunt of the nudity is in the first stage when you walk into a room with at least 5 nude women with over-sized you know whats, but it is just an illusion. Kills include slicing an enemies head vertically in great detail and tearing open a Cyclops's abdomen exposing organs and the rib cage. The rest is nothing you haven't seen before for experienced players. And then there is the over abundant force of bare cheated female enemies, even more so that previous games. I thought I'd put this here since no one has updated the actual content advisory.
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