Pushy leads are becoming a trend in these holiday films
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second Hallmark Christmas movie I've seen this year with a totally unrealistic premise and a pushy character making me uncomfortable watching. Haul Out the Holly was the first. While that one managed some comedic moments this one is just plain bad. Michelle the optometrist runs around her daughter's school like the Christmas Eye Fairy passing out reading glasses and diagnosing people with color blindness whether they want it or not. Ryan is a colorblind Scrooge who won't let the kids decorate his classroom. Michelle decides to fix Ryan and will not take no for an answer. Not only does Michelle push these glasses on him, she also pushes Christmas decorations in his classroom, and we all know you can't do that. Plus the characters are almost manic with all the "I love science! Trust the science!" stuff to the point that it's just unnatural. It's also ironic considering they didn't even depict the colorblindness accurately. I don't know why Hallmark is making movies like this, but these overly pushy characters with their singular obsessions are not enhancing the season. I kind of rate these based on whether I'll watch them again, and this one is a definite no. Do yourself a favor and change the channel when this one is on. I wish I had.
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