The total package of a film
17 December 2022
I kept seeing rave reviews coming out of Fantastic Fest 2022 for 'Triangle of Sadness' and it has been on my radar ever since. I saw it was slightly on the longer side in terms of run times so it took me a little while to find the time to watch it. I'm so glad I did though. This is one of the best films I've seen all year.

I mentioned that the film was long, however I didn't want it to end. I find a lot of these drawn out 150+ minute films drag and I'm constantly checking my watch. Here though, I would've happily sat through another 3 segments of film with these characters.

The film is wickedly smart. It's not out to be subtle with its social messages, but I think that's why it works so well. It's so forthright with them that they can't be taken too seriously. I never felt like the film was trying to preach at me. It was more a case of making fun of generalisations in a hilarious way.

Finally, the film is very funny. If you only watch one scene of a movie from 2022 make it the Captain's Dinner from 'Triangle of Sadness'. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. This film was very, very good. 9.5/10.
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