Christmas Camp (2018 TV Movie)
Christmas Makeover Isn't A Disaster, But It Isn't A Masterpiece Either.
16 December 2022
Greetings, salutations, and a seasonal welcome to all you movie aficionados. Here are my considerations and recommendation for Christmas Makeover, AKA Christmas Camp.

Story: 1.00/2 - Direction and Pace: 2.25/4 - Performances: 1.25/2 - Enjoyment: 1.00/2

Total 5.50/10

The Christmas Makeover in the title refers to the people visiting Christmas Camp, not a makeover of the camp itself. In which case, I don't understand why they didn't go with the more precise Christmas Camp title. So, Haley, an ad executive, needs to get a handle on the Christmas Spirit so her company can land a Toy Company as a client. Luckily, there's a boot camp that offers such an experience - yeah, I know, only in Uncle Sam Land: You know when he takes off that top hat, there's a Santa cap underneath. But this camp offers more than mere physical Christmas ideas. It delves into the family aspect and relationship side of Christmas. And luckier still, there's a single handsome man at the camp so the single beautiful advertising exec can experience that teaching too. Of course, we all know where this story is going, so it's all about the journey to get there. Fortunately for us, the writer adds extra drama via the other customers who visit the Chrimbo Guru and the threat of the camp's closure. These details are enough to keep us engaged and watching the screen, which is good as the writer doesn't give us anything too spectacular in the romance stakes. Haley and Jeff are star-crossed lovers, but with little pizzazz. And though Lily Harrison and Bobby Campo deliver decent performances, their chemistry is a tad weak, which makes their relationship a little impotent.

In all honesty, the supporting cast is better in their portrayals than the leads, and fortuitously, carries the picture to its finale. And the direction also appears to be at odds. The cinematography is a hit-and-miss affair. We receive some nice heart-warming scenes like the snow angels and then some dire sections like the snowball pitching. At least they keep the flow at a pleasant pace, which works brilliantly to show the romance and other relationships growing and forming.

Christmas Makeover or Camp is an okay Xmas film. Sadly, its averageness and lack of freshness force me to recommend it for only one viewing, and only if you've exhausted your Chrimbo watchlist. The only way I'll watch this film again would be if I forgot I'd already seen it, which is highly probable.

Please check out my HO! HO! HO! Christmas Belles list to see where I ranked the movie.

Take Care, Stay Well, And Best Wishes For A Merry Christmas.
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