Safe Nepotistic puff-piece for the sychophants directed by her daughter
16 December 2022
Shallow and sychophantic puff-piece of a war mongering industry insider profiteering from societies inequalities, with almost nothing direct to say, filmed by her daughter. Takes an amusing turn when her reactions to Trump's unpredictable, off-script rantings can't contain her own surprise "He's a nut!" Nothing is mentioned about the millions she and her husband make on confidential insider trading deals & investments she is meant to be regulating on the stock market nor of when the Democrats held the house, congress AND the senate yet were still completely ineffective at challenging SYSTEMIC corporate stranglehold of Big Pharma nor of how (aside from Obamacare) she and the majority of her party have always voted for corporate interests over the welfare rights of the Working Class who she's meant to represent. Her advice to Biden in a phonecall is revealing "Don't go too left!" she says when representing the actual Working people who voted her in. In an honest society politicians like footballers would be wearing the corporate sponsorship of their paymasters on their shirt. For Pelosi there would be no room left on her shirt to fit all her corrupt profiteering sponsors. None of this is explored in this documentary. Things do take an interesting turn in the last half hour when the behind the scenes footage of her going through secret passageways to escape the outbreak of the riots of Capitol Hill calling out for Secret service to escort her to a safe location. Her incredulous reactions to Trump on her monitors are always amusing.

Having her daughter film this bland inoffensive fluff piece is just another example of nepotism & a cash grab whilst controlling her own narrative without ever being analysed or questioned. Her lack of warmth , connection or empathy with her own daughter is also quite telling. So are her daughters inter-actions with her father who likes to keep to the periphery out of sight. There is a scene where she meets the Pope & she becomes knock-kneed with the attention he gives her whilst he spreads his hands on her grandchildren's heads that speaks alot about Catholics in power & how.grand-standing to authority has replaced anything remotely connected to spirituality.

Again what is telling through this doc is that even when the Democrats had the senate,, the house and congress they did not vote in any substantial systemic change to improve the lives or rights of Workers in relation to challenging the Trillion dollar interests of their Corporate sponsors or the bloodlust of the Military Industrial Complex.
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