Scarborough (2021)
Honest and authentic portrayal of Scarborough
15 December 2022
Rating would've been 10/10 if not for some pacing problems, and maybe a tighter run time.

Some of the reviews here are saying there are "too many stereotypes" in the movie. I can tell you that those people have not lived and breathed real-life Scarborough. Although it is possible for someone to grow up or live there and be blind to what goes on, it is unfair that they dismiss what the film has accomplished here. Sure, there are films like The Florida Project, and many others that explore various disenfranchised neighborhoods in North America. But this one is about Scarborough, and really, only people who know Scarborough can have any credence here.

I lived in Scarborough briefly as a child, until my single mother decided to move to a "better" neighbourhood to "spare me" from growing up there. I have since returned as a teacher, and many of my teacher friends grew up in Scarborough. From the diverse cast of characters, to their backstories, to the characters you meet on the street, subway, restaurants, to the tragedies that occur, they are all real people I have taught or encountered in my time in Scarborough. As for Ms. Hina's struggle against the white-lensed system, I have personally had administration send emails and speak to me in exactly the same manner portrayed in the film. The only added layer that is missing, but may not have worked in the film, is how many teachers end up not caring and becoming part of the dysfunctional system, as they grow weary of rolling the proverbial boulder up hill. I would say the film did a spectacular job in capturing the humanity and simple joys of Scarborough, without leaning on the more dramatic and sensational realities of what some locals would call Scarlem. I'm glad the crime and violence aspects were not the central focus here. And I can see why the Toronto Film Festival voted and awarded this film the Changemaker Award, because we feel the authenticity of it, while giving Scarborough a voice without relying on the crutch of showing the less savoury parts of it.

Film-wise, no, it's not the best film in terms of the mechanics of it. If it were, it would've gone farther in awards season. But as a local who loves film and has NEVER seen a portrayal of urban Canada life like this before, I'm so proud and honoured with the representation this film...well...represents 🤣.

To the powers that be, please, more films about Canada like this. Flemingdon in the house!
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