Whoop Whoop Whoop
14 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pierre David executive producer? The "Life Time" Pierre David fella?

So, we're in Miles Dyson's 'T2' lair at the start.

Oh, for heaven's sake! Only 2-minutes and 17 seconds in and there's the boom mic dangling uninvited already. Really? (It appears about 7 other times throughout.)

A caged space monkey is assaulted by a 70's Tobor toy in a test run. Not thrilled that the space monkey wasn't tortured enough, a human intervenes and animal cruelty sees the poor creature die for human research. It dies from stress related injuries.

'Halloween 3' lab men sit around SkyNet all day wondering why they've been cast in this movie for.

Is this some sort of ice cream factory?

A nuclear reactor goes haywire and the freezer chamber, containing the nitrogen oxide, runs dry of coolant - quick, better call Ed Gein - and it microwaves a whistle blower, who was going to spill his guts and expose the space monkey program.

He perishes, a church service ensues, minus the body and the evil laboratory men keep the corpse in a clear syrup solution and label him Frankenstein.

Placed inside a wash/spin cycle, Frankenstein is rejuvenated through proto-neuron soapsuds and binary Apple programming in an experiment of maddening proportions.

What looks like a spaceman, wearing Marty McFly's radiation suit, comes to life. He's just RoboCop's cousin.

All hell breaks loose as McFly attacks a lady wearing an apron, space monkey's lose their nut in his presence and foyer security guards start shooting space monkey's. It's a crossfire of bedlam.

At the 22:16-minute mark you can clearly see in the upper right corner of the screen a person's hand throwing the space monkey on the foyer cop.

McFly encounters a 'Terminator' dump truck and uses it as a means of escape. He's set on fire and Predator's self-destroying wrist watch is activated.

Feeling "vindicated" from all the excitement so far, RoboCop's cousin is free to roam the city streets and encounters three night riders first up who are disposed of in easy fashion.

RoboCop's cousin then makes first contact with his wife, through an electric piano device and issues a warning to be wary of Willie Lopez and not to trust him, or Carl either.

Apparently, the RoboCop's cousin runs on the wrong flavored ice cream, no doubt caramel, and must undergo a full blood transfer to cleanse it of food additives and wrong numbered coloring & flavor. This would be a deliberate act of sabotage on the behalf of the mask makers from Santa Mira.

RoboCop's cousin kills General Bethlehem to 'Halloween 3' synth music in his pursuit of answers to the artificial additives.

Entering the sewers under Derry - looking for 1980's 'Alligator' - Jackie Brown searches for the dairy MacGuffin that can neutralize RoboCop's cousin's rampage.

He has a moment of clarity then finds out that he's been pumped full of caramel topping at the Silver Shamrock factory and realizes that he's become a space monkey himself who was used for other's advancement.

Removing his mask reveals that he looks like 'They Live.' The RoboCop's cousin is set up by a close friend who traps him in a Christmas tree resin cube and becomes that mosquito from 'Jurassic Park.' He's carted off in an ACME delivery van. With no more than thirty minutes served in captivity the sugar cube dissolves setting thingo free once more.

Some of the Daffy Duck music used in this doesn't conform to settings and is more fitting for Itchy & Scratchy antics.

McFly resurfaces and goes hammer and tong with RoboCop's cousin at the end to snazzy sneaker store music.

McFly's pumped full of blue lemonade and the secret MacGuffin all along was fizzy carbonation to breakdown the dairy syrup. I think they call those shots "Spiders?"

The RoboCop's cousin is put on display in a NASA museum and everything's hunky-dory.

Rock and roll.
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