Psychological thriller by Spanish filmmaker Kike Maíllo, which is initially boring and then getting better .
13 December 2022
This begins with the extensive voiceovers on the stories of Texel's past . Stars a successful architect , Jeremiasz Angust (Tomasz Kot), who's approached on his trip to the Paris Airport by a chatty girl called Texel (Athena Strates) . She is a strange young woman who seems to be looking for captive victims whom she forces to listen to her rare stories. And once they are installed in the lounge area , he will not be able to get rid of the annoying stranger . Although the meeting seems fortuitous, soon there be a turn that will transform the encounter into something much more sinister and criminal . There's also flashback about Jeremiasz and his wife Isabelle (Marta Nieto) who becomes involved into the main action .

This low-key thriller contains psychological intrigue , fantasy , intense drama , a tragic love story , thought-provoking issues , plot twists and is interesting enough. This is an exciting film though relies heavily on the strange girl and the veteran architect relationship , while the loving story betwen Jeremiasz Angust and Isabel is regularly developed . Loosely based on the novel Cosmétique de l'ennemi by Amélie Nothomb, but in the novel in which the movie is based on , the protagonist meets another man. There are some flashbacks to Texel's past are usually marked with a blue filter as going back in time . By the time she tells the last story, two-thirds of ¨A Perfect Enemy¨or ¨Cosmetics of Evil¨'s runtime has already passed . The biggest problem with the Perfect Enemy , however, being that the movie explains too much about what should actually be seen, but often doesn't want to be revealed , being full of twists and turns. All of these slow-burning narratives are groundbreaking and provocative. But at the same time, they are only moderately interesting. Therefore, the real tension does not want to arise , developing little by little . So not only Jeremiasz is getting more and more upset , but also the viewer. They both wonder why Texel tortures them with these unspeakable stories. When the first plot twist arrives , which suddenly makes what was previously told appear in a completely different light . A quarter of an hour later there is a second plot twist that finally attempts to unhing the plot . From there it goes during the last quarter of an hour in the final stretch . This terminates in a discussion that culminates in the half-cooking of the entire concept of the film. There're also some disturbing and loathing scenes like devouring cat food or frames where Texel goes to pee in the men's room with the booth open are seeking purely the unsettling provocation of the viewer.

This is a cerebral , ambitious , and revealing film ; being competently directed and well performed , but resulting in a little bit boring and tiring flick . As director instead of letting the images speak for themselves, these are always diligently commented on , abusing from voice-in-off . Numerous movies with a similar concept have already been made in the last quarter century, all of which are far more convincing . Thus, the movie seems like a late addition to an old wave of movies that has missed the point in many ways . Kike Maillo is a prestigious and successful writer and director who has made notable films, such as : Eva , En Tu Cabeza , Tu y yo , Toro , Cosmética del Enemigo ,and Shorts as Manos Libres. His best movie was ¨Eva¨, in fact, the 26th Annual Goya Awards (Premios Goyas), presented by the Spanish Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences, it is "Spain's main national film awards, considered by many in Spain, and internationally, to be the Spanish equivalent of the American Academy Awards¨ gave a deserved Goya to New Director , Kike Maillo , for this above average film titled ¨Eva¨. Rating : 6/10 . Acceptable and passable .
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