Review of A Banquet

A Banquet (2021)
This is like Saint Maud Part 2.
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And that's not a good thing. A girl that has holy visions and nothing happens but her rambling and weird behavior throughout the film and then at the end something actually happens but by that time you don't care because you just want the movie to be over.

That's pretty much both the plot to Saint Maud and this movie. I hated Saint Maud with a passion because of that. I didn't hate this movie as much because it at least stayed grounded in reality where the family did think the girl was mentally ill and took her to see doctors and tried to get her help. There wasn't exactly anyone that was on board with the nonsense and they didn't annoy you for an hour and 30 minutes run time trying to make you wonder if what you were seeing was really taking place or a hallucination. The movie isn't like that and that's why this plot execution is more enjoyable than in Saint Maud.

Mostly the movie is about the toll of having to live and take care of someone that is mentally ill till the final scene where you're still left to wonder if she actually was or wasn't crazy. It's an open ender and I also hate those type of endings.

There's moments in the end where the girl seems to be the exact opposite of how she was for the entire film. Asking for an Ambulance and it appears the mother being the one to deny her aid. There's the reveal that the daughter had rigged the scale to show that she wasn't losing weight when in reality she was. So in actuality she died from self starvation and not some sort of divine rapture.

The movie ending is rather contradictory and just seems to derail the story by trying to be both grounded in reality and spiritually supernatural at the same time and the low key reveal that the mother suffered from mental illness as a child and now the daughter is basically acting out in the same way.

This reminds me also of another movie with a similar plot called "The Wonder." Where a young girl is seen as God's chosen one because she doesn't eat. Although that movie was more of a mystery movie than what this type of film was but equally as boring.

At the end of it all I can only say that this movie is great to watch if you have it on in the background. It's good enough just to pay part attention to it because not much really happens of note in the film till the end and even that is a crock of question mark nonsense.

I give this movie a 5/10 though because the acting wasn't bad and I didn't dislike the characters. It was shot nicely and the responses seemed more realistic. Although I have my own theory of this movie and that was that the mother kept the daughter at home instead of sending her off to the mental institution because she couldn't afford the care. She is having financial troubles throughout the movie after her husband passes (which is never brought up again btw) and to me that seemd most likely the reason why her crazy daughter is left to home care rather than a hospital where she could get the right treatment.

My interpretation is that the daughter had a breakdown after her father died and coped with her grief by pretending she was chosen by God and the mother eventually cracked towards the end after dealing with the stress of her daughters behavior and her financial problems. It showed where the youngest daughter was also having a personality change from the stress of dealing with her sister and her mother.

So the biggest flaw of this movie is that it has too many paths but the route is not clear as to what's really going on and those types of movies are the most annoying.
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