Severance (2022– )
This. Is. Incredible.
11 December 2022
There really aren't enough positive things to say about this potential masterpiece of art. I want to go on record as saying if the show manages to keep this quality up for it's entire run length, this will be the first show I have watched since Breaking Bad to be as close to perfection as possible.

Admittedly, things start off slow and drag slightly with the first episode. Fear not though, because Severance picks up with an increasing amount of drama and mystery, climaxing perfectly with a season finale that balances that fine line of leaving you wanted more, while quenching your appetite to remain satisfied until Season 2.

Every metric you can measure and judge a TV show on is on display with absolute mastery. The casting, acting, script, direction, cinematography, lighting, set decoration.. everything is perfect.

Actually I noticed a running theme for this review I've written is the word "perfect". So I'll leave you all with that, and watch the damn show already.
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