We Are Not Alone (I) (2022)
We Are Not Alone
11 December 2022
Leaving the pub one evening, lead man Declan Baxter finds Earth is being invaded by aliens who are looking to strike the right balance between coming in peace and world domination. He is recruited by the aliens to act as their guide and conduit with humanity which doesn't go well, with him ultimately being drawn into the resistance movement.

Awfully silly - it is intended to be - and very British comedy about an incredibly stupid bunch of aliens setting up zone 78 in a small village in the north of England. Whilst it has some fun ideas and the 3 lead aliens, played by Brit comedy stalwarts Vicki Pepperdine, Tom Wozniak and Joe Thomas are engaging, the whole thing is too long and runs out of steam and funny lines after the the first half hour.
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