Slayers (2022)
Actors should have read the script before ..
11 December 2022
The essence and moral of the story is - if something looks to good to be true, it's often just tthat.

Both Malin A and Abigail B should have known better than to join this rotten apple of a movie.

The scenes, make-up and "special effects" are even worse than from a high-school movie club project.

I really hope for their careers that this movie will be forgotten by the unlucky few - like me - that wasted their time and brain power to watch this to the end.

I mean, to have a guy seemingly spilling the guts and eat from it, just to then jump away .. and low and behold .. the dress of the girl isn't even blood stained?!?

I mean .... even a HIGH SCHOOL acting class would have made the special effects in this movie 100 times better.

I hate to rate a movie with Malin Akerman at a 1, cause I really like her, but in this case, without her the movie would have been given a -10 rating instead.
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