Review of Pulse

Pulse (2001)
Excellent Japanese horror
11 December 2022
If you liked Noroi: The Curse, you will probably like Pulse. It abstractly deals with the concept of voluntary isolationism, and having voluntarily isolated myself in the past, it succeeds with shocking accuracy. The person or people who made this must have either isolated themselves, or been close to someone who did, because they captured that feeling of wanting to withdraw from society very well. I reached a point where I didn't enjoy anything society had to offer me that was attainable, and just stopped interacting with it. I think this movie captures that feeling perfectly, in an abstract manner. Also the scenes of abandoned cities captured the early days of Covid isolation perfectly. Empty streets and buildings, nobody outside.

Pulse accurately portrays one common result of voluntary isolation, which is suicide, or lack of desire to keep living. The first scene in the movie captures how I felt. I think people who have never been suicidal have no idea how it feels. It's not some gothic tragedy, steeped in drama, with pipe organs and people crying out in sorrow. It wasn't like that for me anyway. It wasn't even necessarily a sad feeling at all. I just didn't enjoy anything anymore, and didn't want to continue on with the drudgery of day-to-day life. Whoever created that scene knows this feeling, and people who haven't felt it probably won't understand what it is trying to convey.

I think now I am on the boat going into the future, but again, Pulse seems to intimately understand the drudgery of day-to-day life for those of us who have at one time reached the conclusion that life is a completely pointless malaise. Like living out life on a boat. Boring, repetitive, and ultimately pointless.

I'm giving Pulse 10/10 because I have never seen a more accurate portrayal of how I felt when I was isolated and suicidal, and to compensate for lower star ratings from people who don't understand the subject matter due to lack of context.
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