A pointless remake and a waste of 90 minutes of my time.
10 December 2022
The original TV series, while not always terrible, was at least competently made, which is more than you can say about this confused mess. The idea of 3 more-or-less attractive women who happen to be private investigators would seem to be ripe for a decent storyline. Especially when all 3 Angels hare super-women who can outfight, outshoot, and outsmart any man alive, while dressed to the 9's and dispensing witty remarks along the way.

But despite a cast chock-full of talent, this thing just falls flat. The Angels have nothing interesting to do or say, and they can solve any conflict in no time flat - no situation ever challenges them.

Also this film has no continuity, no witty dialogue, no characters who are the least bit interesting. A movie about 3 Mary Sues is inevitably going to be dull and that's what Charlie's Angels is. I admit I only made it little over and hour before I couldn't watch anymore - it was just too boring and predictable. They should have named it "Charlie's Polished Turd" and I hope nobody ever does a remake.
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