The Last Bus (2022)
Entertaining, but I see some glaring plot holes
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Supposedly all of humankind has been safely tucked in for a long sleep and all their nasty carbon emitting activities have been stopped while nature reverses global warming. At which time everyone will be woken up. How ever long that takes. 2 years? 10 ~ 15 ~ 20 ~ longer? But then what? As we saw in the last episode the drones are capable of mass destruction. So does this destruction include the infrastructure? What about the population's houses? What about all the pets, domestic livestock and captive animals on farms and zoos that must be cared for? Will they starve while Duncan Monkhouse's drones restore the planet? What about the nuclear power plants that suddenly stopped having anyone watch over them? Will the drones be able to keep massive, multiple nuclear meltdowns from all of the nuclear power plants that currently exist in over 50 countries from happening that would bring about massive destruction and make the planet basically unliveable? What will all 9 billion humans eat when they finally wake up? Will the drones be planting food and storing it in preparation of the 'big wake up? And then technology will still essentially be the same, heavy on petroleum based energy, right? So mankind will pick up and go back to it's evil carbon emitting ways? Or will the drones be recreating society/civilization with all the tech and advancements but no carbon emitting, earth destroying technology?

What about all the military weapons, bases etc? Will Monkhouse obliterate all weapons of war? What about all the military base, shipyards, war jets?

And does Monkhouse really think the world will applaud him as the world's savior and give him medals, trophies and dinners? Or will everyone be so angry that countries stand in line to sue him into oblivion? What exactly is his plan?
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