Typical Spanish comedy with three great actresses and it has some fun and hilarious moments
5 December 2022
Acceptable comedy in ordinary Spanish style with plenty of humor , messes , twists and outlandish situations . Luci (Verónica Forqué) , Graci (Candela Peña) , Mari (Adriana Ozores) are three sisters that make a comedy trio , go to the wedding of their father (Juanjo Menéndez) with a woman who is forty years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband (Jordi Bosch) dies in a car accident . Despite the tragedy , the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in the touristic Benidorm . The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her , so she along with her sisters decide to flirt with everyone. As Luci falls in love for a Frenchman (François-Eric Gendron) , Graci for a delivery boy (Jorge Sanz) , while Mari goes on with her married lover (Angel de Andrés López) .

Slight comedy that begins with good style but, unfortunately, gradually deflates as time goes by . It is a crazy Spanish comedy that offers no intellectual stimulus whatsoever , and humor is sometimes cheesy and gross-out with numerous naughty and picaresque situations such as sex jokes , adulteries , jealousy , profanity , and erotic scenes with some strong love scenes. The plot is almost ridiculous and embarrassment but has its likable moments here and there . This agreeable film packs amusement , comical situations , tongue-in-cheek , resulting to be a silly comedy including conventional pitfalls and many other things . Sitting in a strange middle ground between the completely absurd and the stylishly cool . If it reaches approval, it is because of the good work of those three actresses who carry almost the entire film behind their backs . Packed with scenes of absurd nature , this story is an enjoyable farce, as we follow the nutty exploits of a trio of feisty and offbeat sisters . The picture could have been a very splendid comedy, but in the end it remains a dry comedy . In Spain we have very good actresses, although it is hard for us to admit it , and both Verónica Forqué and Candela Peña , and, above all, Adriana Ozores , all of them are superb . The film is narrated under the humble view-point of a naive teen well played Daniel Pérez who's dubbed by Carlos Hipolito performing voice-in-off in similar style to ¨Cuentame¨series . Stars Verónica Forqué who's an actress who, due to her physique and her voice, has been inevitably pigeonholed in comic roles, which this veteran actress borders on . Here she has several sentimental and hilarious moments in which the redhead also delivers the goods . The young but experienced Candela Peña has an amazing naturalness when interpreting , I miss seeing this interesting actress more on our screens , she is very convincing here , but Adriana Ozores is the one who steals the show . Adriana has managed to promote her cinematographic career in a very intelligent way . Ozores has a dramatic style , but her comic tone is also approved here and she is simply perfect. It is always pleasant to be able to enjoy our veteran actors of a lifetime and Juanjo Menéndez with a toupee has enchanted me . And by the way, François-Eric Gendron is very attractive here and Angel Andrés López is very big and not just physically . Sympathetic performances from main cast being accompanied by an attractive support cast with plenty of familar faces , such as : Jordi Bosch , Joaquin Climent , Daniel Pérez Prada, Carmen Balagué, Joan Potau, Jesús Castejón, Mariola Fuentes , Juan Carlos Vellido , Carlos Hipólito, Elena Anaya. And several fellow comedy directors have cameos, such as : Mariano Barroso , Jaime De Armiñan , Juán Tebar , Fernando Colomo , Manuel Gómez Pereira , and director Joaquín Oristrell himself.

It contains a spotless pictorial cinematography by Fernando Arribas , as well as lively score by Joan Vives. The motion picture was professionally directed by Joaquin Oristrell , at his film debut . The jump to the direction of the screenwriter Oristrell, nothing surprising in a product very usual in Fernando Colomo factory, according to the model of comedies made by Gómez Pereira at this time (co-writer here, Oristrell being co-writer of his films , forming a whole and competent team ) . With a banal and widely seen plot, with some light influence from Almódóvar in "Mujeres al verde de un ataque de nervos" and "La buena vida" by David Trueba, it is a choral comedy with respectful taste and classic aftertaste, very effective, based on in the everlasting war of the sexes and with a constant eagerness to update to the modern times. Oristrell is married to actress Carmen Balagué and is considered to be a good writer and filmmaker . Joaquin has directed as well as written nice and entertaining films . Oristell is expert on filming comedies (Dieta Mediterranea , unconscious , Sin Verguenza , ? De Que Rien Las Mujeres ¿) but being most famous as an original writer (Love causes seriously damage your health , Off Key , Between your legs , Extasis). The flick will appeal to Spanish comedy fonds . Rating : 5,5/10 . Passable and entertaining.
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