Fights and a beer drinking orangutan in this ridiculous romp.
4 December 2022
I get that this is a comedy and there were plenty of ridiculous moments, but I did not find myself laughing...not once. I did love Ma who keeps trying to get her driver's license. I loved her. She was the best part of the film for me.

This roughly tells the story of a truck driver turned bare knuckles fighter who has an orangutan who drinks beer and gives people the finger. He meets and has insta love for a country singer who is hooked up with a guy in a biker gang named the black widows. Lots of fist fighting in this chase movie that contains a long con amongst all of this madness.

Apparently Clint's agent tried to talk him out of doing this film but Clint had the last laugh as it was a huge commercial success. I'm not sure what else was at the box office, but for me this was a watch and delete. Although, I enjoyed seeing Beverly D'Angelo.
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