Biggest dissapointment since westworld
4 December 2022
"Given the extreme destructiveness of the Jackpot, a multi decade global environmental/political/and economic crisis which killed most of the human population and has resulted in, even decades after it began to abate, a London which is almost entirely depopulated of people, the world of 2100 would not have the highly advanced technology and apparent prosperity depicted"

The above is a slice of trivia taken from the IMDB page of this very show and is all the explanation needed for why this show is so bad, forget the money spent on sets, costumes, actors and everyone behind the scenes that are obviously very good at what they do, the show is built on a bedrock that is flimsy and quite simply absurd.

Set in an impossibly silly future where technology is so advanced it seems anything is possible yet there is still the need for badly choreographed hand to hand fight scenes, obviously used simply to punctuate the tirade of verbal Diarrhoea.

I quite simply don't & can't believe that this adaptation is faithful to the book, I have not read that book & I won't read that book, simply because I don't want my worse fears revealed, that quite simply there are enough people in this world that made this story a best seller, and that surely must be the start of this preposterous "jackpot".

I love science fiction, whether it be used to tell the story of horror or romance, heroism or family & friendship or all of the above mixed into a complex story but "The Peripheral" is simply garbled, random rubbish, so the wait for a decent sci-fi TV show is still ongoing.
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