Father Christmas is real!
3 December 2022
Annie Claus Is Coming To Town (2011) -

Sam Page as the leading man, Ted, was very yummy and I believe that it was down to him that this wasn't the worst of these more kooky type of films. So often, when Father Christmas and his family are actually involved in these made for TV films, it becomes daft and farcical. The elves usually cheapen the whole thing, but this time it was okay, not too over the top and because it was a toy shop and Annie Claus was such a nice person, it definitely had that holiday cheer.

It would be lovely if there were thousands of Annie's going out in to the world to make other peoples lives brighter as she did in this film.

Okay, so it wasn't the best one I've seen and it could have done with a good polish, but it was harmless and full of the season of good will.

A sweet romance.

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