A little uneven in its writing, but still enjoyable and suitable well made
1 December 2022
Just because a movie is of a different style than one is accustomed to doesn't mean it can't be very worthwhile; singing cowboys are so far removed from modern notions of cinema that the idea of watching such a movie is one borne mostly of passing curiosity. Make no mistake, this hails from a time with very different and simplified notions of what constitutes entertainment, and it's unquestionably ham-handed. Even at that, there's some earnest light humor to be had, and otherwise levity; as the plot progresses and tempers flare, the tension fosters plentiful fun of its own. And, yes, hokey as the proliferate songs are, they're passably enjoyable in their own right. 'My pal Trigger' may not be perfect, and in 2022 the audience for it may be more select, but you know what? This is pretty decent!

Of course the horses are lovely, and especially as we get to see so much of them in this case, it's a treat to see them at work and play. Setting aside the equine stars and the genre, however, what might be most noteworthy about this title is that as it opens, Roy Rogers himself - known ever as the congenial hero of his pictures - is kind of the bad guy? He's definitely not in the right, in any event; though the subsequent drama is the bread and butter of the film, and all is well in the end, it seems odd watching one of the star's works in which he has posited himself as at most an anti-hero. I would say that it's a credit to the writers to have effectively made the actor play against type, though on the other hand, the title maintains the same blithe tone at all times, no matter what's happening on-screen, and the attitudes of supporting characters sometimes altogether raise a skeptical eyebrow. For my part, I'm struck by a sense that the writers couldn't find a way to wholly reconcile the common characterization of Rogers and the story they wanted to tell without sacrificing best storytelling judiciousness.

That slight unevenness in the writing is unfortunate. In the broad strokes the plot is quite solid, with some great ideas. When all is said and done the narrative is satisfying, but it lacks the utmost mindfulness in its craft that would have best served the story. Still, even with this in mind, in all other ways this is duly well made, with William Bradford's cinematography standing out at some points. It is, after all, entertaining and worthwhile, if not reaching its full potential. One should also perhaps note a content warning for animal cruelty. Even at its worst, though, my feeling is one of regret rather than active dislike, and if that's the most I have to say against a feature, then I suppose it's doing rather well for itself. Neither among Rogers' oeuvre specifically nor cinema at large is this a must-see; there are other things you should make a priority. If you happen to come across 'My pal Trigger' it's still not a bad way to pass 80 minutes, though.
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