The X-Files: William (2002)
Season 9, Episode 16
Nice to see Scully centre stage, even if the story is a particularly dark one.
30 November 2022
A badly disfigured man attempts to get hold of an X File, a man who could possibly be Mulder.

This is a real mixed bag I thought, some elements were pretty good, some were pretty poor.

First off, it was good to see Scully centre stage, she's been the outsider throughout this series, it feels like quite some time since they explored her troubled motherhood.

On the downside, I'm not sure I was totally sold on the idea of him potentially being Mulder, mannerisms, accent, I know physically there were similarities, but surely highly trained and Killed FBI agents would know.

Worst of all, the story itself, it was just so bleak, almost every aspect of it was sad, from the central character, to the final outcome.

William is not an episode I'd want to return to in a hurry, 6/10.
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