Red Rocket (2021)
No plot, but still plenty to take in
30 November 2022
The wide spread between good and bad reviews for this film tells you it is not for every taste. However, I'd suggest discarding the ones below 6 stars, because there is plenty to see here. Some disparaged a supposed lack of plot, but the story arc is fascinating and engaging, concerning as it does the ebbing of the main character's self-confidence, all of it delusional. He had achieved minor fame/notoriety as an L. A. porn star known as Mikey Saber, but 20 years of non-stop sex on- and off-camera has taken a heavy toll on his studliness. We first meet him stepping off a bus in the dumpy little Texas town where he grew up. He is looking for a fresh start, but in a dump where he is remembered only as a never-do-well by other never-do-wells.

Mikey gets knocked down an inch at a time, but he is such a rotten chunk of human crud that we expect him to get flattened like roadkill by something worse than bad job interviews. This happens well into the film, and it is a stunner. Even when he unexpectedly escapes punishment for something horrible that he has caused to happen, you know it's not going to end well, The final freeze-frame wordlessly fulfills that expectation, creating the kind of untidy, unsettling ending that we associate with the very best short story-writing.

Performances are excellent-to-astounding, creating gritty, unlikable characters just like the ones we would expect to meet in a dead-end town in West Texas. Simon Rex in the lead role is excellent and well directed. Although his Mikey Saber character emotes with bravura, over the two-hour course of the film, you can feel what it is like to have your life force drained from you one drop at a time.
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