Manifest: Call Sign (2020)
Season 2, Episode 12
weak sauce
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lame with a capital L, let me count the ways. So Sanvii is now also an MRI specialist, used to be semi believable in her roll. Grace in hospital (everyone just hangs out there, same as police station, waiting for sht to happen) getting treatment while the kids are curled up in chair and Ben is wavering between callings and touching everyone needlessly. Ice is flaking off ice boy and now magically he wants to get married before he is frozen solid, lets say tomorrow since these things take zero planning. Meanwhile druggy shadow boys (antagonist number 2300 this season) seemed to have a great plan for escape as they are transported for no apparent reason to prison b, and armed guard figures it would be clever to turn back on prisoner unshackled to bench and get smacked around....who writes this stuff? Clearly not hospital workers or law enforcement. Micheala was mrs tough guy and now is just melting like her dude until the magic veil shows up (pawn shop, really?) and after lamo bachelor party (how did Caladonia and zeke get so close again? Oh yeah, he saved him to muddy the non passenger callings feelers club) of course mom shows up with her oft repeated all things are great and probably connected line, no one is there taking pictures of any of it till later dad gets out an old point and shoot...doesn't everyone have a cell phone that they never turn the ringer off on or have to charge? Looks like little Calladonis just happened to have one when he was finally snatched by the ever so patient baddies who happened to have Mikes address. Just wait till his twin gets a load of this, you think she was in full pout mode before with TJ finally growing a pair and making up his own mind, seriously. Yes, of course Sanjii is going to go to Havana for some yet to be disclosed reason, find the Major, grab the syringe of magic potion and save frostbite boy just as Michaela apprehends drug dudes with help of true love Vasquez who has finally stopped crying about the wedding. Phew, so tired, really should not binge these so the delicate and intricate plot points can be fully appreciated.
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