Yep there is "Romantic" touch and inspiring
28 November 2022
First of all this anime is very very wholesome it's Great with the story and the plot also the background music is make the perfect moments more perfect...

Anime has good music plus good background story of different characters so you connect well with the different characters and even they manage to keep the touch of romance and slice of life in the anime

Good anime you should give it a try...

Minimum character limit met😉 (((((6rofdoyddyldofpudyodydlyddyoyodpydyodyodyodylfpyd6odyodyodoydyoydoydyodyodlydpydyodpyflyflyfpydo6dlydpyfp6flyfpydp6fpufpupufpufpydp6flufpufpudlyxlufl7fpuf7pfpufpufpydpydpyfyldpydydldpydoydoyfp7fulfupupfup)))))
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