Engrossing film, but...
27 November 2022
We watched this film last night after not seeing it for about 30 years. It starts off well with a clearly disturbed scientist who kills himself by jumping from a moving train and who is discovered to be carrying one thousand pounds (a lot of money in 1963) in cash. It is suspected he was brainwashed into selling secrets to 'the enemy' while under the influence of a sensory deprivation experiment. Sadly, this plot seems to be swept under the carpet fairly early on and the film becomes a study of human nature and desires as another scientist (Dirk Bogarde in one of his better parts) undergoes a similar process to prove the point. IMO it would have been better to pursue the original story and find out who was behind it, although this may have caused the film to be just another 'spy movie' which were much in vogue at the time. Worth watching though, and there's some fine acting on show especially John Clements as Major Hall. The photography is crisp and good looking throughout.
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