Legacy Peak (2022)
One of the best wildness and survival movies I've seen pertaining to what it is to be a dad!!!!
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
'Legacy Peak' Spoiler Movie Review

life is too short, no one ain't got time for a long-drawn-out one!

The main characters in the movie are Jason, Ben, and Sam.

A brief summary of the plot is Jason, played by Lucas Black, is on an adventure to win the hearts of Noelle's kids before they marry. But when the plan falls apart and they struggle to survive, the new family's faith will be tested before they can start a life together.

The possible themes are dependency on God, family, relationships, prayer, faith, fear, wildness and survival, love, forgiveness, and reconciliation; at it goes to show you that mans heart plans his ways of taking his family on an adventure to win the hearts of his kids before he marries, but the Lord establishes his steps.

The moral for this story is a father stands in the gap, and whatever comes, nothing gets to his kids. Moreover, a good dad does what he can in whatever situation he finds himself in with his family, even if its not enough as the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

The audience who would like this movie is fathers because its geared more towards them.

In my opinion of the movie, the introduction was different and erratic and captured my attention right from the beginning. The dialogue was clever and heartfelt at some points. The actors were talents and skilled and a fully rounded and three-dimensional character, who stayed truthfully and emotionally connected to their characters; to show hardwork, technique and good direction as they fully transformed into a belivable character. The soundtrack and SFX gave the movie more of a natural feel and appeal. I loved this movie because it was graceful, very natural based off of how real life family experiences can relate to the wild, and beautifully courageous. This is one of the best wildness and survival movies I've seen.

An example from the movie that spoke to me the most was when Jason said, "There is a story in the Bible. The sky opens up and in a voice from heaven, God the father says, 'This is my Son, my beloved Son.' This was before Jesus did anything. He hasn't healed anyone. No miracles. Hadn't died for anyone's sins. And God said, I love Him because of who He is, not because of what he has done.' And this knife is reminder of whatever happens, I love you because you're Ben.'"

Overall I would recommend the movie because I though it was an excellent story that anyone has and could have ever made that shows the various ways of how far a father would go to stand in the gap for his children, as all other stories that Hollywood has made just showcases how men survives without dependency on God verses the wild. This film was made in honor of all the dads who stood in the gap for their children. "Not to us but to your name be the glory" (Psalm 115:1b - NIV).
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