Death Hunt (2022)
Not Deserving Of The Title.
26 November 2022
Okay so this one is going to start out with 1 star and see if we can improve on that. The 1 star is because it stole the movie title of one of my favorite classics, Death Hunt from 1981 with Lee Marvin and Charlie Bronson. I mean how can you steal that title? That's completely unacceptable.

Anyhow, so I guess theres a guy who is trying to develop a piece of land in a town who really doesn't want the land messed with. Well his license says NewYork state so you already know he's an ahole.

So some bad men from the area kidnap the developer and his girl and take them to a small island in the middle of a lake, and hunt them. People get shot and people die. Okay and once dude gets the drop on the girl, it should be over. Is it not over here? Oh you gotta be kidding me! No. Just no. Dumb.

Okay I made it to the end, so it gets a 2/10.
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