The Accursed (2022)
Story is incomplete
26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I have been the horror movie admirer, I did not like the movie. I do not know why but actually in recently times, the most of horror movie is being written incomplete. There is no complete reason-result relationship, no deep character background, no detailed case working.. etc.

In this movie, there is witch character living inside the tiny house, and using evil forces in return of money, or blood.

This is too cliche detail about Satanism. I think in the movie, the book, shapes on the floor are the symbols of Satanistic rituels. So, We are not able to know what is really going around and why? Why is Eleanor's blood given to Witch? What is blood importance for the movie? What is meaning of being cursed for people in the movie etc.. As you can see the most of details were not written.

By the way, there are no horrifiying scenes.. Just jump scares once or twice times.. That's all..

Its end is different cliche.. I do not like this type of end.. ''You thought you were freed, but actually you were not.''
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