I remember the movie as if I watched it yesterday
26 November 2022
I remember very well the first time I saw the promotional video for the movie, and it was by chance on YouTube, and I was in my high school graduation year ...I remember very well my feeling at this moment when I watched clips from the now or never video clip, and then I went to the itunes store to search for the song and buy it, and then I searched for the movie because I had not watched the first and second parts, and when I watched the parts of the movie, I really got attached to it For a long time, I was probably among the target audience for the film, and I was fortunate enough to watch it at this age ... All the films in the series are very beautiful, and the story is simple, but it is full of events. The film is considered the birth of some actors that I personally love, such as Zac Efron and Vanessa ... The third part was like a big celebration or a final party for the rest of the events, and it was of special importance to everyone who watched it and He is between 15 and 18 years old during this period... He influenced us all, and I still remember all the lyrics of the songs and dances that he used, and when I hear them, it's as if I'm hearing them for the first time.
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