Never had a secret Santa quite like this one
23 November 2022
Compared to all movies: 8.0. Compared to Hallmark Movies: 9.7.

I'm seeing a pattern, so my next task is to modify my rating system. Surprisingly half of the Christmas movies in my binge-fest are actually out performing what I anticipated. This film outdoes itself, and consequently is my new fav. I know more favorites will emerge as I continue this journey for another 90+ Christmas movies.

A naive college girl is the recipient of a selfless act of Christmas cheer. Her ride home falls through, but a male student, also a communications major, does her a big favor by giving her a seat on his way home for the holidays. They get stuck in a blizzard, and he gives her a mini-adventure to pass the time. Eventually she arrives home, and they part ways - leaving us to anticipate a pleasant reunion after the holidays.

To our surprise they jump 10 years forward. We discover he did not return to school, and they lost touch. As fate would dictate, they eventually bump into each other. He has accepted a job as a radio deejay in her hometown, and she is a writer for the newspaper.

She discovers that somewhere along the way he cultivated a total disdain for Christmas. Of course she is curious about this, and longs to inspire him once again. She decides to be his anonymous benefactor (secret Santa). What begins as a benign gesture, turns into the talk of the town. Word of her private gifting of the 12 days of Christmas spreads to the radio and the newspaper, and takes on a life of its own. All the while, nobody knows she is the secret Santa.

I was greatly trepidatious that the ending would be lifeless and trite, but astonishingly, it was wonderful. The endearing and heartfelt gestures that she fashioned were quite revitalizing, and I could not help but fall hopelessly in love with her irresistible, and adorable self. Refer back to the heading: Never had a secret Santa quite like this one. She comes right out of a fairy tale.

The mystery unfolds bit by bit leading to a wonderful climax at the end of this absolutely marvelous and elegantly wrapped film. I had to wipe the tears off of my rose tinted glasses a few times, but I deign not concern myself over it. The probability is very high that I have had a starry-eyed reaction to a disproportionately lovely creature named Brooke.

Yet another Christmas movie that will be assigned to my yearly Holiday watchlist.

One caveat for truly adoring this film: you must be in love with one of the lead characters. If not, this adventure may fall flat. Why? I figure it's because this movie puts all its eggs in one proverbial basket: the two main characters' ability to tug at your heart-strings.

What magical land of unicorns and fairies did a creature like Brooke Nevin venture out from? I mean, if I had to describe the perfect caricature of a Christmas love interest/angel/goddess...

And Robin Dunne, I'd imagine the ladies swoon over him similarly, especially for his radio voice, and satisfactory acting skills. He nails the part, probably from a female perspective. As a male, I can say he did ok.
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