Bones and All (2022)
"I should feel something."
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I adore the three lead actors chosen for this film. They're absolute powerhouses in every story they take part in, and this is no exception. Here, they embody their characters with subtlety and an eerie yet graceful presence that allowed me to see them as simultaneously monstrous and sympathetic.

There's quite a lot that Bones and All has to love, from the cinematography to the many powerful scenes that focus on Maren's struggle with whether or not she's a monster who deserves to be alone.

It's just a shame that I don't think the film every really hits the mark on what it's trying to convey.

This adapted screenplay skirts around the moral implications of these cannibalistic characters' actions without ever really nailing down a purpose for it all.

There are two or three wonderful scenes in which their horrific and brutal actions are discussed; Maren doesn't want to have these desires, while Lee embraces them. The conflict is there, and it's tangible, but it never goes beyond this point.

For most of the movie, nobody's boundaries are pushed. Every contentious moment either has a rapid resolution or is forgotten and not resolved at all.

The events of the story play out and the impact that they have on the characters is...never really felt. I never really felt anything because the characters just seem to move on from each happening like nothing happened at all.

There isn't really a sense of cause and effect from scene to scene. Beautiful images and captivating performances just appear and disappear on screen until the movie is over.

If the writing had been tighter and the characters felt more involved in their own story, it could have been truly special. Instead, I'll forget it rather quickly.
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