Limitless: Acceptance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
A touching conclusion to a
21 November 2022
We all age. We all grow feeble and helpless, day by day, bit by bit, and we all lose those close to us. But how much do we really think about it? This episode compels us to think about it, at least a little, and it's not easy, but it is important.

Hemsworth is an A-list Hollywood actor with more money than any of us will likely ever have, but he, too, will age, grow feeble and helpless. He, too, will have to contend with death, disease, and loss.

I don't know how genuine any of the acting in this series is, but it certainly hit a few of the right notes for me. This episode makes for a particularly poignant finale to the season because it deals with life's biggest question and forces the viewer to look deep inward.
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