Tulsa King: Go West, Old Man (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not "The Sopranos" That's For Sure
21 November 2022
When I saw the promos for this show, I was excited to see an older Stallone embracing his heritage, and playing a mobster. I cannot believe he has never played one before this show. He certainly looks the part of a Mafia goombah. The premise of the show is that after spending 25 years in prison and keeping his oath of Omerta, Stallone's character, Dwight David Manfredi has nothing to return to. His wife divorced him, his daughter disowned him, and his Borgata aka Mafia Family has moved on. They suggest he go to Tulsa, OK and start some kind of organized crime syndicate there. Why Tulsa? I don't know. It is an odd choice of Western cities to send him to. It looked like an ironic, comedic Sopranos in the New West. I thought it was an interesting concept. However, it doesn't work, at least the way it is currently written. First off, no Italian family would name their kid Dwight David (after General Eisenhower). The very concept of an Italian Mafioso with a name like Dwight is laughable. Italians from the generation of Dwight's parents would only choose a Catholic saint's name for their son. Then the concept that he comes out of 25 years in prison not knowing about anything of the present day is ridiculous. He doesn't know about Uber or smartphones? Did no one from his crew ever visit him? Was there no TV in the prison that the inmates watched? The next stupid thing is that he bullies and threatens the legal pot dealer into paying him extortion money. Why didn't the pot dealer just call the police? His product is legal and his business legitimate. The minute Dwight left, I would be on the phone to the cops. Yet, Dwight goes around assaulting and beating up everyone yet no one calls the cops. Here's another stupid bit of writing: He askes the lady at the front desk of his motel to call him a cab and she says they don't have cabs, just Uber. That is nonsense! Tulsa, like most places, has some form of taxicab service. How did they survive before Uber? Dumb. The only redeeming quality is Stallone. He plays the Italian mobster role very well. The show has a lot of promise but the writing needs to be better. The dialog is completely unrealistic, the supporting characters are uninspired, boring stereotypes and the situations Dwight and Tyson get into are ridiculous. I hope it gets better.
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