My Policeman (2022)
Moving and Heartfelt
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The setup for the plot is brilliant: former same sex lover of a now married man suffers a stroke and is now cared for by the former lover's wife. Rupert Everett as the stroke victim has almost no dialogue, but effectively conveys the hopelessness and depression when his former lover refuses to see him, even though they are both under the same roof.

I am mystified by the barbs thrown in other reviews at Harry Styles, who is natural and convincing in the difficult role of the younger version of Everett's character, Tom. Emma Corrin is charming in a subtle performance as the younger Marion, while Gina McKee somewhat underplays the elderly Marion.

The film highlights the challenges facing gay people in earlier times without being overly preachy or didactic. If some film goers find this picture does not resonate with them, there is nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't reflect a lack of quality in the movie itself. Highly recommended!
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