Anotheri piece of history completely tivialised and trashed
20 November 2022
The real story of Lamborghini is the stuff of legends, and sadly, this film is NONE of that.

Terrible script, poor acting, tradjically bad set-pieces, laughable 'racing' and almost zero adherance to history.

I get that to make the film work, some stuff has to be massaged for the story, but this is just laughbly poor, I can only imagine the script writter was an intern given only a week to come up with somthing?

Compare this with Ford vs. Ferrari where they had the story not only close to acurate, but the charicters cast well, their intations realistic, the film-sets looked the part, the cars were the part, etc etc. - and that film grossed $225m

Lamborghini should sue for deformation.
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