Tries Too Hard to be Funny
19 November 2022
Wrongfully Accused started out funny, but then about 30 minutes in, it was just a boring and confusing exercise and was trying too hard to be as successful and as hilarious as the Naked Gun and Airplane! Movies or the great film Top Secret!

As the great and legendary horror director John Carpenter once said, "Comedies are so hard to make". He said that because timing is really important with comedy and the jokes/gags have to be spaced properly as well as make some degree of sense. Wrongfully Accused falls woefully short of those standards. The jokes in this movie were either unfunny, badly timed, or served only to confuse the audience.

I really wanted to like Wrongfully Accused because I think Leslie Nielsen was one of the most talented spoof/comedic actors that we have ever seen, but this movie is really a dud in this genre of films.
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