Review of Flashback

Star Trek: Voyager: Flashback (1996)
Season 3, Episode 2
Fairly good tribute for fans of the original series and The Undiscovered Country
19 November 2022
Tuvok suffers from traumatic memories and melds with Janeway to find the root cause.

This is an enjoyable episode that works as a nice tribute to the original series.

The main narrative about Tuvok's condition brings us to scenes involving Captain Sulu, Janice Rand, Kang, and the Excelsior, but there feels little effort from the writers other than to contrive an excuse to get these characters on screen.

It is enjoyable to spend time with them and to see certain events from Star Trek 6 portrayed from a different perspective. Unfortunately the allotted time is much too brief. I did enjoy Janeway's meditation on the bygone era of the original series.

There are some good ideas in the explanation behind Tuvok's condition, but it all comes down to technobabble and a bit of an anti-climax.

All performances are good, especially Katie Mulgrew, Tim Russ, George Takei, Grace Lee Whitney, and Michael Ansara.
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