NCIS: Heart Break (2004)
Season 2, Episode 8
"Don't try this at home, McGee. It's for grownups."
19 November 2022
(204-word review) On a first-viewing basis, this episode may seem comparable to ones like the previous four, minus the sixth. Once it settles in your mind, that becomes questionable. The weakest aspect was the plot, which was a bit underwhelming, and maybe somewhat far-fetched, even though the reasoning was believable; the one responsible was also pretty predictable: and subsequently obvious, at least to me, when the fact it was a murder, not an accident, was revealed to that person.

But amidst that came Caitlin's internal conflict and the theme of suicidal tendencies, both bringing a rare sense of weight and substance uncommon in shows like this. Relationships were another theme: Gibbs' mysterious red-head lady friend returning, Ducky's romantic endeavors, and the return of Paula Cassidy, an appreciable character that I like keeps returning, who now has an on-off thing going on with Tony, which sizzled palpable chemistry between Jessica Steen and Michael Weatherly.

So, even when something about an episode is lacking, maybe regarding the plot, things like that are vital. And those things seem to be becoming more prominent with each episode, a sign of the stars aligning, slowly but surely, perhaps thanks to the writer(s) getting more comfortable and into a groove of consistency.
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