Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
Smart Writing- The Importance of the LIVER!
19 November 2022
Only two episodes in and I am in love with this story. Now I want to read the novel but only wish I had read it first. Some here complain about the use of narration. I love the 3rd person - God-like omniscient POV and find myself drawn to this POV in film and novels more often than not. Some of the best novels and film use 3rd person omniscient- and because of this Godly presence the viewer/ reader builds up a trust almost immediately- though, of course that may not be deserved and a plot trick. Watch out for false gods!

Fleishman, played by Jesse Eisenberg is a man who is lost at sea- his carefully planned life is upside down- note the great use of the upside down city scape as metaphor.

What I found most interesting is the the main character is a hepatologist! WHAT! A liver doctor! How odd- NOT! The ancients - Romans, Babylonians, and Greeks saw the liver as the ruler of the human body- the seat of life- the soul because it was rich with blood. Toby Fleishman, already in episode #1 waxes poetically about this once glorified organ.

The sex here is not a big deal here, and is shown in flashes not long scenes that underline Toby's yearning for connection to right his upside down world. He just needs to find his new path.

The cast is pitch-perfect, and as a New Yorker I can really appreciate the actors. I am rooting for Toby already- that's good writing!
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