I quit about halfway
19 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing in this movie outside of the afterlife PD aspect, demons running amuck, and dead police officers coming back as heaven's elite force in wacky avatars that don't fit their personalities, even remotely matches up to the 2013 movie with Ryan Reynolds. We get somewhat of an origin story to how Officer Pusipher joined RIPD, and his motivation for working with them. A plot is hatched by demons that come from a random hole in the ground, and then we fast forward to a month later where we have a half dozen demon possessed bandits snatching up humans for some lame ritual. Both Pusipher and his partner Joan of Arc return from heaven to stop the plot, but as black women (you can see where this goes from here). We suddenly are graced with black female tropes, and lectured that even though we know black people in our personal lives as friends or even lovers, we don't understand them, etc etc. Cue the hollywood social justice grandstanding. I stopped the movie halfway because it felt like an old Sci-Fi channel made-for-tv movie. CGI is terrible, the plot falls flat and isn't interesting, and none of the acting is very convincing.

I kept hearing them talk this movie up like it was better than the original, but it's definitely not, and the original was pretty ok (mediocre at least). This was just a way for Netflix to inject more race/gender politics, so I'm out.
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