I won't apologize, I loved it!
19 November 2022
You'll be hard pressed to find a bigger Christmas Story fan than myself. I love the original so much, and I'll be honest that I was nervous about a new one. Rarely do they find the right mix of nostalgia and new material, especially when there's big a long time since the original. However, perhaps people are starting to figure it out with the great Top Gun: Maverick and now A Christmas Story Christmas.

One of the things that is always worrisome is if they simply try and recreate those nostalgic moments. However, this movie finds ways to avoid those and create it's own new ones. For example, there is no forced scene where the oldest child has to wear the bunny outfit, or Ralphie getting a leg lamp, etc. In fact, the lamp, bunny outfit, Triple Dog Dare You and some other iconic moments are minimized and allowed to be left as memories for the characters the way they are for us.

It's far more emotional than I would have ever expected, acting as a fitting tribute to The Old Man and to Christmases of the past.

Ralphie still has an active imagination and there is one snowball fight daydream that is particularly funny.

Most of the original cast is brought back with the one exception being Mrs. Parker. If I had one complaint it would be that I thought Julie Hagerty played the mother a bit goofier than I thought she would be, but that's a minor gripe. I absolutely loved how they handled the return Of Scut Farkus.

Overall, it's just a fun movie that can be added to the Christmas rotation. It's hard to say if it will become a classic , but it's important to remember the original wasn't appreciated until years after it came out. I think most fans of the original will enjoy this.
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