Review of Russkies

Russkies (1987)
Silly little time killer
19 November 2022
Saw this back in 1988 and thought it was lame then too. I was 12 when it came on cable tv after school and remember thinking it was silly. Fast forward to yesterday and it happened to be streaming while I waited for the Suns game. Nothing has changed, it's still silly and hasn't aged well.

Leaf Phoenix, before he'd become an Oscar winning method actor, stars as one of three kids who find a stranded Russian sailor in the beach. It's the 80s so the USA hated Russia, well I guess that part hasn't changed. That little kid from Christmas story who would become friends with Vince Vaughn later in life, and some actor named Stefan round out the cast.

Looking back I remember watching this around Christmas 1988 when I was into skateboarding and thought Search for animal chin was a masterpiece, hey I was 12. I'd say this isn't a total zero star movie but it's definitely no masterpiece or anything memorable. Jouquin Phoenix and Peter billingsley would later go on to have solid careers. Patrick kilpatrick would have a career as villains and fight Jean Claude van damme. Some guy named Whip Hubley, as the Russian did a few movies afterwards before retiring from acting. Some kid named Stefan, last name not important would do one other movie than never be heard from again. Sorta like this movie, except every now and then we unfortunately hear about this. Unless your bored don't bother with this turkey.
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